The high rainfall in Indonesia today , giving effect to the business entrepreneurs crackers . Because the city drenching rain continues to make crackers employers have to spend more of the cost of production , as an alternative to replace the sun drying . The rainy season is enough to influence the production process the crackers. “If the rainy season is sufficient to interfere with production . cheap bns gold But because it is a law of nature , then we do a ploy to make your own hot from the oven or in the process of drying crackers fierce . By making alternative drying as a step to smooth the production process , production costs can increase up to sixfold . buy ffxiv items Workers hang crackers . cheap bns items In the dry season these crackers employers deliberately raise the production of crackers from 2 quintals a day to 4 quintals a day , it dikarena crackers drying process faster by utilizing the sun . cheap bns gold
Anugrah Musim Kemarau